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Behind The Lens

Although born in Los Angeles, California, Bernardo was raised all over the world: traveling and living in Los Angeles, New York, Bogota, Colombia and Santiago, Chile. Most of this traveling was due to family, since his father is Chilean and his mother is Colombian. That made him what he calls today a "Chilombiano!” 

He now lives with his beautiful wife Marcela in Sherman Oaks, California. 


His interest in photography first began in junior high, back in the late eighties. This was when only analog, foremost black and white, was available, making it the focal point of his early practice. This initial exploration and specialization is probably why he has a particular affinity for shooting in black and white. 


Unfortunately, because of constant travel, his love for photography had to be put aside until he was once again reunited with it in his mid-twenties as a hobby.This hobby blossomed into much more. Now, a seasoned world traveler with thousands of pictures under his belt, he has dedicated his life to his love of photography. As they say, "Find something you love to do, and you will never have to work again." He is happy to say he has found it. 

Bernardo Javier


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